Friday, September 9, 2011

Senior Year - Ready, Set - Go!

So we're back at it again - new school year, new classes, new apartment, new people... you get it - lots of new! But don't worry - there are still plenty of old friends, some of the same professors, and as always good ole Mercyhurst! I'm back for my Senior year here at Mercyhurst and pretty darn excited about it! It's been a great year so far too! I mean we have only been in classes for a week and a half now, but I've been super busy already! This year I am taking 3 classes and 1 Lab. My classes are Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Learners, Supporting Literacy Pre-K-8, and Historical Geology which has a Lab. I like my schedule so far - I have 3 classes Monday/Wednesday, my Lab on Thursday morning, and one class on Fridays. Not too shabby eh? Plus I have a 15 hour practicum to do for my Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Learners, my Ambassador hours, working as the Soccer Club Secretary, and I am going to try to get a tutoring job at one of the local Middle/High Schools. Have I over booked myself? I don't think so!
This summer I decided that I was tired of "New Years Resolutions". No one ever keeps them past February, so why bother? I decided that instead of "New Years Resolutions", I would make a "New School Year Resolution". As a student that is when the year really starts for me. Which is why I think making the Resolution in January is so hard. I am already about half way through the school year, and pretty set in my ways. Now I'm not saying I won't make a "New Years Resolution" after singing Auld Lang Syne, but I am saying that I'm making my first "New School Year Resolution". Right Now.
This year I want to volunteer more, and be better at being on time.
So there you go readers - that is my first ever "New School Years Resolution"! You are welcome to join me in making one for yourself if you want! You can comment below and let us know what you decided or keep it to yourself if you want! I'm making mine here - because you all can hold me accountable for it!
So I hope you are having a great start of the year :) Because I am! I will blog again soon about more things going on here at the 'Hurst!
TGIF! Have a  great day!
PS Here are a few pictures of my Apartment! :)
Our Kitchen - with our Tree!

Living room... and lots of shoes!

Other side of the living room

Kitchen! I bought a portable Dishwasher on Craigslist over the summer and brought it with me :) (The apartments don't come with dishwashers.)

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