Monday, December 5, 2011

Winter Classes - Winter Term... Here we go!

Hey Everyone! Sorry it's been so long since I blogged! But we are just getting into our second week of classes here at Mercyhurst College for our Winter Term! If you didn't know already Mercyhurst is on a trimester system. This means we have 3 terms of classes each year. Each term is ten weeks long and you take 3-4 classes each term. This is nice because you only focus on a few things at a time instead of spreading yourself thin with a ton of classes. This term I'm taking 10 credits - which is equal to 3 classes and one lab class. I am taking Applied Linguistics, Aesthetic Education, and Environmental Problem Solving - which has a lab course. So far I really like my classes! My Linguistics class is super intriguing and I love languages so this just fits perfectly! My Aesthetic Education class is all about teaching and involving the arts in regular education classroom. It is a really hands on class and from looking at the syllabus we will have quite a few guest speakers and artists come in and work with us! The Environmental Problem Solving class is pretty interesting so far. We are going to look at a wide range of issues concerning our planet - everything from overpopulation to pollution to natural resources. It is definitely a class that will make you think twice before doing something environmentally questionable like not recycling or littering.

Last night the Ambassador Club had their annual "Chrisgiving" dinner. It's a cross between Christmas and Thanksgiving and it's a chance for the whole club and the new pledges to get together to hang out and eat lots of good holiday food! Everyone dresses up in their ugliest sweaters and Christmas outfits for a fantastic time! We have a contest to see who can wear the ugliest sweater/best dressed which is always a good time!
Senior Ambassadors with plenty of Chrisgiving Cheer!

Later Gators!

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