My name is Monica (if you haven't figured that out yet) and I am an Junior here at Mercyhurst College! I am a new blogger this year and will be keeping you up to date with all that is going in here at the 'Hurst. So if you haven't read my "About Me" section yet I'll fill you in - for those of you who have here's a reminder :)
I am an Education Major - Middle Childhood Education
I'm also an English Minor!
I used to be a Sportsmedicine major with a minor in Pre-Physical Therapy!
- Fun fact did you know that 80% of College students change their major at least once? AND about 90% of those that do change their major do it with in the first year. -
I play intramural soccer here! Our season is about to start!
I am also a member of the Ambassador Club, the Equestrian Club, Phi Eta Sigma, and Diversity 101!
Oh, and I'm a Laker Leader! Which means if you do chose Mercyhurst I just might see you at your Summer Orientation!
Last Spring(2010) I studied abroad in Dungarvan, Ireland for 10 weeks and it was the best time of my life! I had such an amazing time! I met so many awesome people and learned a lot too! To hear more about my study abroad experience click on my "Study Abroad" tab up at the top of the page! I linked up my blog from when I was away, as well as a few tumblrs of students who are in Dungarvan right now studying! So go on over there and check it out!
I'm going to wrap this blog up with some pictures and call it a night! I have to be up early to go do Practicum tomorrow morning!
If you have any questions please feel free to ask me!
This is what I walked past on my way to class in Dungarvan... Pretty nice huh?
This is a throw back to Freshman year when we went to an 80's themed dance in the Union. Obviously we are doing Thriller....
This one is from early this winter when we went to the mall and played with the puppies at the pet store!
This is from the Fall Charity Ball this year! I went with my very handsome boyfriend Conrad :)
Like I said - if you have any questions ask away!
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